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Sanitation Supplies

This Category displays only a sampling of our products.
Please feel free to browse around in our other Categories or Contact Us with your requests!

Restop 2 Disposable Waste Bag Kit
Code: SS-1111
Price: $4.95
Quantity in Basket: none
Port-A-Potty Seat/Lid
Code: SS-1003
Price: $17.95
Quantity in Basket: none
Port-A-Potty Set
Code: SS-1002
Price: $29.95
Quantity in Basket: none
Heavy Duty Body Bag
Code: SS-5001
Price: $27.50
Quantity in Basket: none
NEW! - Frontier Straw Style Water Filter
Code: FW-8530
Price: $13.50
Quantity in Basket: none
NEW! - Aquamira Waterbasics Pump and Filter
Code: FW-8550
Price: $69.95
Quantity in Basket: none
Classroom Lockdown Kit
Code: SK-7200K
Price: $88.95
Quantity in Basket: none
5 Gallon Bucket
Code: SS-1004
Price: $12.95
Quantity in Basket: none
Dust Mask
Code: SS-1006
Price: $1.25
Quantity in Basket: none
Biowaste Bag (10 Gallon)
Code: SS-1007
Price: $0.50
Quantity in Basket: none
Non Antiseptic Wipes
Code: SS-1008
Price: $0.05
Quantity in Basket: none
Tissue Pack
Code: SS-1009
Price: $0.50
Quantity in Basket: none